Punkbuster server commands


Support team
5 Сен 2014
IMPORTANT: -Slot number is optained by typing : pb_sv_plist and see the number of the player
-Guid is the id used to identify a cd-key .. See the complicated Alphanumerical in pb_sv_plist

PB_SV_AutoUpdBan [0/1]
Set to 1 (defaults to 0) if you want PB to automatically update the permanent ban file (pbbans.dat) after each change to the banlist in memory

PB_SV_BadName [grace_seconds] [text_filter]
Adds a bad name to the list of bad names for the server to disallow in player names (useful to ban clans tags )

PB_SV_BadNameDel [slot #]
Deletes a bad name from the list of bad names

Displays the current bad name list for the Game Server; see the section dealing with the Player Name Management Facility

PB_SV_Ban [name or slot #] [displayed_reason] | [optional_private_reason]
Removes a player from the game and permanently bans that player from the server based on the player's guid (based on the cdkey); the ban is logged and also written to the pbbans.dat file in the pb folder

Empties the current ban list stored in memory

PB_SV_BanGuid [guid] [player_name] [IP_Address] [reason]
Adds a guid directly to PB's permanent ban list; if the player_name or IP_Address are not known, we recommend using "???"

PB_SV_BanList [optional_search_text]
Displays the list of bans in the console, including kicks with a temporary ban; if the [optional_search_text] parameter is specified, then only bans/kicks that include the search text are listed (useful for searching for a specific name / guid).

PB_SV_BanLoad [optional filename]
Loads a PB Ban List from the specified file; if no filename specified, then pbbans.dat is loaded

PB_SV_BanMask [IP Address / Subnet Mask]
Permanently bans players from joining the server from the specified IP Address / Subnet Mask; for example: issuing PB_SV_BanMask "12.34." will cause PB to deny access to all players trying to join from an IP Address that begins with "12.34."; These bans are written to the pbbans.dat file just like bans issued with the PB_SV_Ban command

(Mean Banning an ip)

PB_SV_Cvar "[section] [Cvar_name]" [IN/OUT/INCLUDE/EXCLUDE] [Param1] [optional_Param2]
Adds an automatic cvar check to the list of cvars for the server to check for during gameplay

PB_SV_CvarDel [Cvar slot #]
Deletes a Cvar range check from the list of checks stored in memory; the Cvar slot # can be obtained via the pb_sv_cvarlist command

Empties the list of Cvar range checks in memory

Displays the allowed cvar ranges for all cvars that the Game Server is monitoring; see the section dealing with the Variable Monitoring Facility

PB_SV_CvarVal "[section] [Variable_Name]" [player_name_or_slot#]
Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for the value of the specified variable (cvar); to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks

PB_SV_File [filename] [o/s] [game_version] [filesize] [md5] ... [md5]
This command is used to add checks for other *.u / *.dll files,.The [o/s] parameter can be w (for win32), l (for linux), m (for mac), or a (for all).Multiple md5 hashes can be specified separated by spaces to signify multiple "official" releases for a given file / game version combination.
Example: pb_sv_file r6weapons.dll w 1.41.323 57344 7a16bce701d6bf83a6c3d028136b7803

PB_SV_GetSs [player_name_or_slot#]
Sends a request to all applicable connected players asking for a screen shot to be captured and sent to the PB Server; to specify a player name or substring (as opposed to slot #), surround the text with double-quote marks

(Taking ScreenShot of players gameplay )

Displays PunkBuster's home path

PB_SV_IPGuard [IP Address]
The PunkBuster Server automatically adds suspicious IP Addresses to the IP Guard list when players join with a non-functioning PunkBuster client; Players joining from a guarded IP with an old version of PunkBuster are removed from the server; The PB_SV_IPGuard command allows admins to add their own suspicious IP Addresses to the list

PB_SV_Kick [name or slot #] [minutes] [displayed_reason] | [optional_private_reason]
Removes a player from the game and won't let the player rejoin until specified [minutes] has passed or until the server is restarted, whichever comes first - kicks are not written to the pbbans.dat file but they are logged and will show up in the output from the pb_sv_banlist command

PB_SV_Load [File Name]
Loads the specified PunkBuster configuration file which can contain PunkBuster commands and/or setting changes

PB_SV_NameLock [GUID or partial match] [Name to Lock]
Causes the PunkBuster Server to kick players wearing a locked name unless the player's GUID contains the specified GUID or partial match associated with a locked name; NameLocks are not stored to disk automatically so Admins should add these to the pbsvuser.cfg file in order to have NameLocks extend to future server sessions

(If u dont want poeple to login on your server using different CD-KEY)

Empties the list of NameLocks in memory

Displays the list of NameLocks to the server console

Causes PunkBuster to close the current PunkBuster log and open a new one

Displays a list of connected players and their current status

PB_SV_Power [slot #] [power rating]
Adds player in specified slot # to the locally stored PB Player Power database with the specified power rating.

PB_SV_PowerList [filter]
Displays a list of Power Players in the database; if filter is specified, then only entries where the filter is either in the guid and/or name fields are displayed

PB_SV_PowerPoints [power slot #] [points]
Changes the number of Power Points assigned to a Power Player in the database; use the PB_SV_PowerList command to get the power slot #

PB_SV_ProtectName [Unique ID] [Registered Name]
Protects the specified PunkBuster Registered Name on the local server so that players who wear the protected name without having the correct Registration Credentials will be removed from the server

PB_SV_ProtectTag [Unique ID] [Registered Tag]
Protects the specified PunkBuster Registered Tag on the local server so that players who wear the protected tag without having the correct Registration Credentials will be removed from the server

PB_SV_ReBan [slot #]
Rebans a player who has been mistakenly Unbanned with the pb_sv_unban command; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command

PB_SV_Task [X] [Y] [command]
Adds a task to PB's Task List; The Task will be executed X seconds after entry and every Y seconds thereafter; use -1 for Y if a one-time task is desired; this can be used to execute game server commands as well as PB commands

PB_SV_TaskDel [task slot #]
Removes the task from PB's Task List that corresponds to the specified task slot #

Empties the list of Tasks in memory

Displays a list of PB Tasks along with a task slot # for each task

PB_SV_UnBan [slot #]
Unbans a player from the ban list stored in memory; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command

PB_SV_UnBanGuid [guid]
Unbans a guid from the ban list stored in memory; use pb_sv_updbanfile to update the permanent ban file after using this command

Forces the PB Server to attempt a PB software update even if no players are currently connected

PB_SV_UpdBanFile [optional filename]
Updates the specified ban file (pbbans.dat is used if none specified) with regard to recent unbans/rebans

Displays the currently running version of the PunkBuster Server software

Writes the current values of the PunkBuster Server settings to the local hard drive (creating or overwriting a file called pbsv.cfg) in such a way that they will be loaded automatically the next time the PunkBuster Server starts; server admins who wish to manage multiple config files for different situations will usually not use this command at all

remeber to save configuration of your server (See last command)

For complete version of the manual see :

-For Admins : http://www.punkbuster.com/publications/scpt-ad/index.htm

-For Players : http://www.punkbuster.com/publications/scpt-pl/index.htm